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PSB-90 Belt pallet system  or  PSC-90 Chain pallet system

Category: Experts articles

Publish Date: 01. 03. 2023

Linija PSC 90 INFO.83

PSB-90 belt pallet systemPSB 90 12 1024x683 1

the PSB-90 pallet system is frequently used in dry and clean environments where higher ISO “clean room” standards are required. PSB-90 is suitable for smaller and lighter loads and carries a total of up to 350 kg or 1 kg/cm using a single drive module.

Perfect solution for transporting lighter products as it has better grip than chain system it can be used for transportation of correctly build plastic blisters or lighter workpiece carriers.




PSC-90 chain pallet system

The PSC–90 pallet system is suitable for transporting heavier and larger loads up to 1,500 kg or 2 kg/cm using a single drive module.

Heavy loads and friction are the main causes of belt line failure. Fortunately, we offer pre-lubricated accumulation roller chain lines to minimize the forces in the chain and ensure smooth operation.
Pre-lubrication and a high-quality chain also offer many advantages. Since no human involvement is required, which automatically lowers maintenance costs and increases worker safety as maintenance is not required in hazardous areas, such as great heights.

If necessary, the chain can be changed or repaired in a few minutes (quick repair = reduces costs).